Our pupils represent the community and are ambassadors of Pillowell CP School. We encourage our pupils to wear their uniform with pride. We are firm believers that school uniform encourages a good ethos, reduces bullying and enhances equality. As part of our Home School Agreement, we ask that you help your child comply to the school uniform. The school uniform can be found below and most of it is widely available from the high street.
Winter uniform:
Summer uniform:
Fleeces, jumpers and cardigans embroidered with the school logo can be purchased online from our school uniform supplier 'My Clothing' (see below).
Optional additional items of uniform are also available.
Jewellery and watches: the wearing of jewellery to school is not appropriate as items can get lost or can be a hazard. Children with pierced ears may wear small studs, but these must be removed by the child for P.E. Watches may be worn but should not be 'smart' watches that can take photographs or receive messages and are the responsibility of the child. School cannot take responsibility if they are lost or broken.
Make up and nail varnish: make up should not be worn to school and we discourage the wearing of nail varnish.
Phones and other valuables: Phones, toys and valuables should not be routinely brought into school. If a child needs a telephone for an activity outside of and after school, it should be handed into the office at the beginning of the school day and will be returned at the end of the school day. Every effort will be made to keep the phone safe but the school cannot take responsibility for any damage of loss. Anything else brought into school to show in class must be handed to a member of staff at the beginning of the day.
Hair: Long hair should be tied back for safety and to help reduce the spread of head lice. Please consider the appropriateness of other hairstyles; unnatural hair colours and words cut into hair cuts are to be discouraged.
The Friends of Pillowell School have second hand sales periodically. If you need to purchase second hand uniform outside of these times, please see the Office. Financial constraints should not be a hinderance to your child coming to school uniform. Please speak to a member of staff if you are having difficulties affording school uniform and we will do our best to help you with this.
PE Kit
All children should wear full school uniform to school each day, apart from Year 5/6 who may wear their PE kit to school on their PE day (advised by their teacher). As the PE kit is in place of our usual school uniform on that day, please ensure that your child is wearing the correct PE kit.
All other years should have a correct PE kit in school everyday.
PE kit is as follows:
We wish the PE kit that is worn to be comfortable and practical. We would appreciate if football or basketball kit is not worn, however tempting. One or two of our children have sensory issues and exemptions can be made, after a discussion with your child's class teacher. On the whole though, we wish this PE kit to be applied consistently throughout the school year, and across all the year groups.
Order online from the Pillowell Uniform Page →