Hockney Class Year: 5 & 6    Teacher: Mr Forster    


Our focus this term is...
"How life has changed in Britain since 1948"

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Sam's Story

On Monday, the children were in for a treat, as Miss Haagen took the class. As part of English, the children took part in a 'Big Write'. The challenge was to write a story of a character inspired by a 'dream car'.

Here is Sam's wonderful, talented story. Well done, Sam, we are really proud of you!

Cross Country

On Wednesday, the majority of Hockney Class took part in the Primary Games Cross Country competition at Five Acres High School. The children had a fantastic time, challenging themselves to complete a 1.2km race.

Well done to Tia and Alby, who were Pillowell's fastest boy and girl! A great effort!

Soudley Activity Day

Hockney Class had a wonderful activity day at Soudley Village Hall on Friday, with Walmore Hill KS2 class.

The children took part in a range of activities, which included: team building activities, a woodland walk, a music workshop and a trip to the Dean Heritage Centre.

A huge thank you to Mr Dean, for putting on this special day!


As part of DT, the children have been learning different types of stitching.

Eventually, they will have a go at making their own textile design!

Well done all!